ANP How-To
Updated: May 10, 2008 - v0.1b
Note: This How-To is also available in the ANP package
ANP (Amarok Now Playing Plugin for XChat) is a C plugin which displays
the currently playing song in Amarok in the form /ME Rocks: Artist -
Title [Album]. The available commands are:
/ANP display the currently playing song
/ANPMSG [MESSAGE] change the default 'Rocks:' message to be sent;
the message may have between 2 and 32 characters. If no MESSAGE is
supplied, the command returns the currently set message
/ANPMENU [0|1] toggle showing ANP menu; if no value is supplied,
the command returns the current value (0 or 1)
/ANPHELP show brief help about ANP
/ANPABOUT show ANP about dialog
/PLAY start playing a song in Amarok
/PAUSE pause Amarok
/STOP stop playing in Amarok
To load the script automatically when XChat starts, copy the anp.so file
into your ~/.xchat2 directory, where ~ is your home directory.
To compile ANP, go to the 'src' directory and run the compile.bash
script, or manually type:
gcc -Wl,--export-dynamic -Wall -O1 -shared -fPIC main.c -o anp.so
For bug reports and feature requests please contact me at christmas_cpp@yahoo.com.
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